
SIQEV - QvExtra

The SIQEV seal guarantees final consumer the maximum level of quality of the extra virgin olive oil in the packages that display this numbered quality seal. The content of the EVOO bottles covered by the SIQEV seal will be consistent with the quality announced on the labeling.

QvExtra! International is a private non-profit association, created on the initiative of producers of extra virgin olive oil to respond to the growing demand for quality products by consumers, supports as a basic principle the IOC regulations in all its extension and defends a unique international quality standard in a free market without barriers.

As an added value, QvExtra! seeks to collaborate with other International Associations in the defense and promotion of authentic Extra Virgin Olive Oils, to homologate the use of the SIQEV seal, which is recognized and valued internationally as an indisputable quality reference for producers and consumers in all countries, in based on shared Codes and Quality Controls.

One of the main objectives of QvExtra! is to inform the consumer about all aspects of the culture and tradition of the olive grove sector, as well as the extraordinary physical, sensory, nutritional and therapeutic characteristics of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Bring the consumer closer to the reality of olive oil: where and how it is produced in each area and the characteristics and recommended uses for each variety.

The company LUQUE ECOLOGICO, S. L is one of the partners of QvExtra! since its foundation and is involved in its promotion, the result of a commitment to quality.

More information at www.qvextra.es